End User Review: Symantec / Altiris Asset Management Solution V 6.5 [70%]

30 June 2009
1 minute read
ITAM News & Analysis

End User Review: Symantec / Altiris Asset Management Solution V 6.5 [70%]

30 June 2009
1 minute read

Symantec Altiris Asset Management Solution V 6.5

Estate Size: ~ 4,000 (20% Desktops, 30% Laptops, 45% Servers, 5% Other)
Reviewer: Asset Acquisition and Management, Healthcare

General Feedback

Flexibility to track hardware and software.
Training on use of software.
What feature would you add if you had the choice?
Train to use first then install.
Support or implementation:
Most managers and users support it, development managers suspicious of it.
If you had the opportunity to choose ITAM technology again would you choose the same product?
For the flexibility and price yes. Other applications we had looked at did not meet some of these specifications.


Implementation Success: 7/10
Day to day ease of use: 7/10
Performance: 7/10
Resources required: 7/10
Support: 7/10
Meeting requirements: 7/10
Overall Satisfaction: 7/10

Total Score: 49/70 [70%]

This review has been kindly provided by one of our readers. If you would like to provide a review for the benefit of others or if you wish to provide an alternative perspective please complete this anonymous survey. View other End User Reviews here.

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