Express Metrix Picks up 2008 CODiE "Best Asset Management Solution"

03 June 2008
1 minute read
ITAM News & Analysis

Express Metrix Picks up 2008 CODiE "Best Asset Management Solution"

03 June 2008
1 minute read

Express Metrix have picked up the 2008 CODiE award for “Best Asset Management Solution”.  The award was based on “the solution that best audits and managed software audits”. Express Metrix beat off Centennial Software‘s SAM Suite, Dell (ASAP Software)’s  Esmart, Novell’s ZENworks Asset Management and TriActive’s Systems Management On Demand.

The winners were keen, in what seems to be an open attack at their competitors weaknesses, to state that their software was;

  • “NOT a complex infrastructure product that requires weeks or months to deploy”
  • “NOT been acquired by a large company whose primary focus lies elsewhere”
  • “We do NOT lack comprehensive support for critical—and ubiquitous—technologies such as Citrix and WTS”
  • “We do NOT lack application control functionality that’s vital in proactively managing license compliance and security risk”
  • “We are NOT a SaaS solution. Our customers prefer to maintain direct control of their IT asset data”

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